One tree hill, något man aldrig kan för mycket av
Kategori: Allmänt
Peyton's citat:
You have one chance, one life and what you do with it is up to you
Sometime when you care about someone alot you just know you will make some kind of mistake and you end up losing the person you care the most about but if your lucky you might get a second chance
I want to believe in it all and art...fate and love, and I want to believe that I've made the right choices, and I'm still on the right path, and there's still time to fix some mistakes I've made....I guess I want hope
Lucas citat:
-“Regret comes in all shapes and sizes. Some are small like when we do a bad thing for a good reason. Some are bigger like when you let down a friend. Some of us escape the pain of regret by making the right choice. Some of us have little time for regret because we're looking forward to the future. Sometimes we have to fight to come to terms with the past, and sometimes we bury our regret by promising to change your own ways.
But, our biggest regrets are not for the things we did -- but, for the things we didn't do. Things we didn't say that could've save someone that we care about. Especially when we can see the dark storm that's headed their way."
-It's always gonna be there, isn't it? You and me.
-Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty this hatred. How did it find us, did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return but knowing some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a it your name?
-Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.
A promise. Like a reward for persisting through life so long alone.
A belief in each other and the possibility of love.
A decision to ignore, simply rise above the pain of the past.
A covenant, which at once binds two souls and yet severs prior ties.
A celebration of the chance taken and the challenge that lies ahead.
For two will always be stronger than one, like a team braced against the tempest civil world.
And love will always be the guiding force in our lives. For tonight is mere formality.
Only an announcement to the world of feelings long held. Promises made long ago.
In the sacred spaces of our hearts.
-If you could go back and change just one thing about your life, would you? and if you did, would that change make your life better? Or would that change ultimately break your heart? or break the heart of another? would you choose an entirely different path? or would you change just one thing? just one moment. one moment that you always wanted back..
-Happiness comes in many forms.
In the company of good friends,
in the feeling you get when you make someone else’s dreams come true,or in a promise of hope renewed.
It’s ok to let yourself be happy,
because you never know how great that happiness might be.
Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life,
that you expect it to always be there,
because you can’t remember a time in your life when it wasn’t.
But then one day you feel something else.
Something that feels wrong only because it’s so unfamiliar,
and in that moment you realize you’re happy.
-Have you ever wondered what marks our time here? If one life can really make an impact on the world? Or if the choices we make matter? I believe they do. And I believe that one man can change many lives... for better or worse!
-Sometimes it's easy to feel like you're the only one in the world who's struggling, who's frustrated, or unsatisfied at barely getting by. But, that feeling is a lie and if you just hold on; just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find the way and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes, someone to help us hear the music in the world. To remind us that it won’t always be this way. That someone is out there, and that someone will find you.
-Have you ever had a dream that seemed so real, then when you woke up you didn't know what to believe?
-It's you. When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me is you.
-You can find the good in anybody if you just give them a chance, benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people disappoint you, sometimes they surprise you, but you never really get to know them until you listen for what's in their heart. that's what we should do. so for all you skeptics out there. prepare to be surprised
-We had a relationship. We can't pretend that we didn't. But... before that, we were really close friends. There's no reason we can't have that again.
Nathan's citat:
-people think that if you love somebody hard enough,
then everything's gonna work out.
people are wrong.
-The roots are still there, it just takes time.
Don't say I never gave you anything.
-life's a bitch
-You know for most of my life I would have gone through this alone, but then I met you. And I finally found someone I could depend on like I've got this. So I guess I called you 'cause I wanted to know if that was still there.
Haley's citat:
-I gave you my heart.
That's all I give you.
And if that's not enough for you,
I'm not enough for you.
-Why is it that it's so much easier to forgive a stranger than someone you love?
-we dont choose who we love... it just happens
-Yeah well, I guess I can’t really help it if I found the guy I wanna be with my first time out. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Maybe if we’re not out there looking for the one we wanna be with forever then what are we doing?
Brooke's citat:
-The bad guys lie to get in your bed; the good guys lie to get in your heart.
-Next time, make it hurt bitch.
-Someone once said; "It's the good girls who keep diaries. The bad girls never have the time." Me? I just wanna live a life I'm gonna remember, even if I don't write it down.
-People who are meant to be together always find a way to each other.
-sometimes people play hard to get to make sure that the other person's feelings are real
-But I guess its always been that way-- wanting to be loved... to find someone that makes your heart ache in a good way
-The best way to get over someone, is to get under someone else
-A kiss always means something
-You're Peyton Sawyer. The guy wrote a whole book about how much he loves you
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